Axion Global Digits Technology (Hong Kong) Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Edvance International Holdings Limited (stock code: 1410.HK) (“Axion Global Digits” or “the Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company entered into an agreement with The Nibiru Global Limited (“Nibiru”) to become the cloud security advisor of the Nibiru Metaverse and strengthen its cybersecurity capability.
Mr. Trevor John De Pattenden, Co-Founder of Nibiru said, “We aim to build a unique and open metaverse platform that connects Web2 users, brands and organizations with the Web3 environment and technologies. Metaverse represents the development trend where real world is integrating into the virtual space, and its application is gradually evolving into various innovative industries. Network security has become the key concern of the market due to its high reliance on cloud and 5G technology.”
The Company wishes to bring its expertise in cybersecurity solutions into the Metaverse industry.
Mr. Gavin Ho, Chief Executive Officer of Axion Global Digits commented, "As a web3 and fintech focused company, we are pleased to establish a partnership with Nibiru and grow our expertise into the Metaverse space. We welcome the development of the Metaverse by the Nibiru team, and have confidence in their global team with their rich experience in development and application of Web3 technologies. We believe we can offer our experience in fintech and cybersecurity to support the development of the Nibiru metaverse.”
安領國際控股有限公司(股票代碼:1410.HK)旗下全資子公司 — 獅昂環球數科(香港)有限公司(「獅昂環球數科」或「該公司」)欣然宣佈,與元宇宙平台開發商The Nibiru Global Limited(「Nibiru」)訂立合作協議,該公司將成為Nibiru元宇宙的雲端網絡安全顧問,為其加強網絡安全防禦能力。
Nibiru聯合創辦人Trevor John De Pattenden先生表示:「我們旨在建立獨一無二的開放世界元宇宙平台,將 Web2用戶、品牌及機構與 Web3環境互相連接。元宇宙代表了虛擬空間與現實世界融合的發展趨勢,正逐漸演變為各種創新產業。基於現時元宇宙高度依賴雲端科技及5G技術,網絡安全成為市場的核心重點。」
該公司冀利用其在網絡安全解決方案的專業知識以及領先行業的服務水平,應用至元宇宙產業。獅昂環球數科行政總裁何俊傑先生表示:「作為一家專注於Web3及數字金融科技發展的公司,我們很高興能與Nibiru建立合作關係,並將公司的專業進一步拓展至元宇宙。我們歡迎Nibiru 團隊發展的元宇宙,並相信其遍佈世界的專業團隊對開發及應用 Web3 的豐富經驗;我們深信可藉著我們在金融科技以及網絡安全領域的經驗支持Nibiru元宇宙的發展。」